Coming up with three favorite tracks is an impossible task. My mind has gone all the way back to the 80's, 90's, 2000's to find three favorite tracks. Oh!, this is impossible, but if I do not share with you, in this very moment, my top three favorites, I won't be able to sleep tonight. No time to hesitate, here there are:

1.- Dreams by the Cranberries

2.- Dancing in the dark by Bruce Springsteen

3.- My German Lover by Hada to Hada

Would I be out of line if I squeeze one more title?

4.- Unravel by Bjork

There, now I can go back to my day, but just so you know, my top three tracks of all time consist of 6,766 at least.


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I am so glad you can now sleep tonight:) Yes it is incredibly hard to select only three. Perhaps three in 'music years' equals 3000!

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Aug 31Liked by Lee Penman

Well it’s 24hrs since first reading this and I still can’t whittle it down to a favourite three tracks, so just thought I’d share a couple of music memories with you, the first single I bought was Crazy Horses by The Osmonds. The first band I saw live ( and I’m sure being Scottish you’ll remember them well) was The Bay City Rollers in Great Yarmouth in 1975, and I’ve never been to a gig like it since, couldn’t hear the band for the screaming girls!!

I also still have Rock On by David Essex, beautiful picture of him on the cover, and I still love the title track.

I miss the excitement of waiting for a new single or album to be released, and then when it was I would spend ages studying the cover artwork. I also loved the weekly music papers, which you would have been involved with. Sigh..the good old days when we had to patiently wait with eager anticipation.

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Great memories Claire, Ah yes, Crazy Horses that brings back memories. I was a huge Bay City Rollers fan. Had the V neck sweater and the 'Skinners' pants. Les McKeown drove into a wall near my grandmothers house in Edinburgh and I remember going to see the damage....ah teenagers:)

Totally agree with the excitement of getting a new single or album and grabbing the music magazines every week.

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So maybe from my childhood “ Jesus Loves me” and “ Jesus Loves the little Children” songs my Dad sang on road trips but puzzled me slightly because we only went to church on Christmas or Easter and sometimes he fell asleep. Too many songs from my teenage years but liked the Beatles “ Yesterday” still makes me cry lLove Bob Dylan can’t even imagine anyone who I feel I could sing “ Positively 54th street “ too. James Taylor “ You Got a Friend” the Who my ex and I went to see after our divorce “ Getting in Tune” Guns and Roses version of “ Knock Knock Knockin on Heavens Door” Lyrics make it for me but Jimi Hendrix’s sound is is so real ! Bo’s many others gotta say my girl Janis Joplin has my heart. Part frequency part beat music resonates! Thanks for your Note my fiend. Is it possible that we could all one day somehow be on the same frequency and experience some kind of Oneness with ourselves and our Creator. If so I think the music would be awesome in the words of the Orthodox Divine Liturgy and honestly the notes are so pure I just belt em out every Sunday and Vespers service “ … therefore the whole world glorifies Thee!!! “

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Aug 31Liked by Lee Penman

My friend wow can’t do this phone thingy after two glasses of wine!!

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