A good thoughtful read ... And full of excruciating smiles... But I felt all the pain of self-image letting you down! In my case, I have slinky hips (🤣) and tend to wear too tight strides ... One day, as I waited in the wings to be interviewed in front of a live audience of teenage students, I turned fast and inexplicably burst my trouser zip! To add to my horror I was going commando ... It looked like a Brillo pad wig and a wilting banana were secretly kept down there ... Then they waved me on! Lights! Camera! Knob! Hysterical laughter from teenage audience! Horror from crew! Inexplicably, the crew rushed me a can of drink in a forlorn bid to hide my deprickament! A hat, a coat, a newspaper, a plate of sandwiches, anything would have been better than a can of Lilt!

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Thank you Leigh....and thank you for that image I cannot unsee lol:)

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P.S. Great moon shots!

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Thank you, I just learned how to do them last year:)))

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I absolutely love ramblings about nothing cause they're most definitely something!! So you are on a show? an actor too?! 🤩 It's late here, but I'm taking notes and hope to find it! And isn't it always the way with self criticism or getting a great opportunity and nothing you do to look decent goes right! 😅 Murphy's Law. I must catchup with more of your work! It's great Lee! ox

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Thank you, yes on two shows playing myself lol. Current one is Mean Girl Murders Episode 10, HBO Max and ID

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Interesting story! I myself, find writing hard at times when I can't think of anything to say! But other times the words just pour from my head! I have been writing since I was about 13. (maybe a little younger). My subjects were The Beatles for my poetry. Then I moved on to Christmas and religious poems. Now, I'm trying to write about everything else! And I am using a refurbished Chromebook that has a mind of its own! I have to reread everything before I post it! And I have dropped it and I have gotten mad at it that I have hit it a few times! I'd like to get a new computer one day but I guess I could use my desktop but I hate the chair! It is so hard and not very comfy! And I lost my internet and phone for three days! But everything is fine now!

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I can't write creatively at a desktop computer. I have to have my laptop on my lap. The desktop is fine for work related writing, it's just too 'formal' for anything else:)

Even in my days of writing copy on a typewriter, I used to sit on the floor with it across my knees lol

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Well, I cannot sit on the floor! I can't get back up again! (lol) But as long as this Chromebook keeps on ticking, I'll keep using it! I started out with a manual typewriter, then an electric and then a word processor and then a desktop computer! And then (2 in 1) computers and then Chromebook. I just sit in a chair or on the couch in my living room.

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I said it yesterday and I'll say it again : you ARE adorable. And I think you looked damn fine. That freaking telescope we put ourselves under is a very powerful subject. I can crush me into a tiny million pieces in a matter of seconds.. just by a sudden moment or piece of hair on myself I don't like on camera. I'm a Virgo so at a very young age I've really honed in on this. As a kid, I really cared about gel in my hair. It was a deep insecurity to not have gel. And just be wild. I killed myself trying. Until like addiction , I had to end it. And feel how wounded and judgemental I can be to myself. And Forgive myself. For being so. I love you so much. Fuck the damn head. LOL You were so good. and I was screaming that they kept showing YOU. 🦜

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Even in space they heard that scream: lol...thank you Joshua as always!

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Enjoyed your ramble. It's much like mine with the twists and turns going nowhere, yet arriving somewhere. Hey? Thanks.

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Thank you....and you are welcome:)

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